Now that I've finished writing a weather applet. I want to use it in other webpages with more functionality. Since I have a hammer(React), now everything looks like a nail(a react component).
Joke aside, this feels like a good oppurtunity to remember the differences between vanilla js and react, to see the main differences and etc.
This is a small project to work on, there is one or two function to be translate into jsx. And when I manage to make it a reusable component, I can use it in a meaningful way.
I am going to write it step by step. So lets start with basics.
Step 1 - Creating a React app #
I'll create a react prject with vite with following prompts:
npm create vite@latest
//choosing react
//then in the folder:
npm install
npm run dev
Now that I've created a react project in the latest fashionable and easy way, lets clear out everything we don't need.
I've cleared out everything from /assets and /public folders. in the index.html file, I've changed the logo and title content.
Then I cleared /src file to leave with these three;
to main.jsx
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import App from './App.jsx'
import './index.css'
<App />
to index.css
:root {
font-family: Inter, system-ui, Avenir, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
line-height: 1.5;
font-weight: 400;
font-synthesis: none;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
and to App.jsx
import React from "react";
function App() {
return (
export default App
Now we can begin to write our app.
Step 2 - migrating HTML elements and CSS #
React needs one parent element to render. This can be done with a <></>
fragment when necessary but we already made our whole app in single div so, this wasn't a problem for us.
in React, we need to use className
instead of class
. So every class property needs to change className
on first glance last thing we need to correct is the onClick="window.location.reload()
part. This will translate into a function so erase this with the inital value=" "
from our input and button elements.
For CSS, I just copied our css file to src file, named it same with the App.css to easily identify with our app and import it to App.jsx with this line:
import './App.css';
Not in this project but in later on, I might handle dependencies like icons and fonts, be careful to import them accordingly to your app.
So far so good. No major problem.
Step 3 - Getting the Date #
First part of our js file was to get the days date, convert it to a readible format and instert it to DOM.
const date = new Date();
const optionsDate = {
weekday: 'long',
year: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
day: 'numeric',
// dayPeriod: 'short'
const optionsTime = {
timeStyle: 'short'
document.querySelector(".date span").textContent = date.toLocaleDateString('en-EN', optionsDate);
I'm going to add it as it is to the start of our App function with one change:
last line was for JS and all document.querySelector
part won't work in react. Because nothing triggers it.(I guess?) So instead i will make it a variable named 'todaysDate' and in our return part where we render the page I'm going to call the variable with bracelets.
const todaysDate = date.toLocaleDateString('en-EN', optionsDate);
return (
<div className="weather-thingy">
<div className="date">
I could have made another function to get the date and call it like a HTML property instead of call it as variable. ie. <TodaysDate />
, this is the common react way, to make it a component. but I dont need another component. I want to make the weather app a standalone component.
Now our getting the date part is working, and we get to show using a variable in react.
Step 4 - Implementing useRef to the API call #
Now the whole fetch()
part is working fine. But we have problem at getting the city name for our API call. Because initally we are reading from DOM, and use it as a variable. But now, react uses Virtual DOM and because of that.
const cityQuery = document.querySelector(".location input");
const city = cityQuery.value;
Part is not reading any value. while it is still possible to use it, react encourages the usage of useRef
. So after importing the useRef
I changed the following lines:
const cityQuery = useRef('ankara');
const city = cityQuery.current;
return (
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter city" ref={cityQuery} />
instead of reading the value, we are referancing the input.
With the inital value, before making a request it still returns a city name.
and in our city variable, which we use in URL, instead of value, we are using .current
to read the initail value, or the changed value.
Step 5 - Search Button and changing the refresh #
On our JS app, we simply overwrite the default input value then refresh the page on HTML with
<button onClick="window.location.reload()">Search</button>
But it is an inefficient hack at best. And not a reasonable way to do things in react.
to be continued...